Invoice Management System


Invoice Management System

As part of the Elements of Software Construction module in SUTD, I created an invoice management system for a minimart owner using React. The system allows the minimart owner to manage invoices, customers, and products. The minimart owner can add, edit, and delete invoices, customers, and products. The system also generates reports on the total sales and revenue for a given period.

The Challenge

The minimart used a paper-based invoice and receipt management system, which is inefficient and error-prone, hindering the company’s ability to maintain accurate financial records.

Invoice Management System

Here are their 3 key issues

  1. Information needs to be keyed by hand
  2. Business critical information need to be reconciled monthly
  3. Troublesome to look up past documents

Our Solution

Main Page

Main Page

Add Invoice Page

Add Invoice Page

Statement of Account Page

Statement of Account Page

Technology Behind the solution

How it works

Harnessing AI for Automation

The project harnesses AI through Google Document AI, which auto-recognizes document types and auto-fills fields, streamlining data entry for unstructured invoices from different suppliers.

Business Benefits

Allows accelerated development by allowing rapid prototyping and deployment. While the AI may not achieve 100% accuracy, it reduces manual data entry by pre-filling in fields, improving overall efficiency and reducing the time required for invoice processing.